Sharon Roberts - visual artist

Audible Chroma - 10th Anniversary 2020

A collaborative project of Sharon Roberts,visual artist, and Tim Roberts, composer musician, presented as an exhibition of paintings and music exploring relationships between colour and music, and a CD, Audible Chroma - the sound of colour. 

Our direction was to each express, through our art forms of painting and music, our emotive experience of single colours – green, yellow, red, orange, violet, blue, white and black. Rather than exploring the colour of music, we have attempted to express the music of colour.

2020 is the 10th Anniversary of the exhibition at the Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery.

In looking back we have gathered together images, video footage and writings to tell something of the story behind the collaboration.

Scroll down for paintings, music, and artist’s statements

Videos of paintings and music at Tim’s YouTube channel, Audible Chroma playlist.

Click to listen or purchase the audio tracks, Audible Chroma album from Tim’s Bandcamp page

AC yellow

AC yellow detail

AC Red

AC red detail

AC Violet

AC violet detail

AC Orange

AC orange detail

AC Blue

AC blue detail

AC White

AC white detail

AC black

AC black detail

AC Green

AC green detail

Follow us on 

facebook: Audible Chroma instagram: @sharonrobertsart youtube: Tim Roberts 

Audible Chroma Gallery Roomsheet June 2010

Audible Chroma

Sharon & Tim Roberts

This exhibition presents paintings and music which are the fruit of our collaborative project, exploring relationships between music and colour. Initially we discussed wavelengths of light and sound; common terms which relate to music and to visual art; and the work of earlier artists. However when we came across the ... READ MORE

Artist’s Talk – Sharon & Tim Roberts

July 18, 2010 Audible Chroma

In this gallery we have:

8 pieces of music + 8 paintings = 8 works about 8 colours =1 installation 

Audible Chroma – a vis-aural dialogue. 

A dialogue between the musician and the painter, between the viewer and the art

A wise man once said:“There is nothing new under the sun”. (Ecclesiastes 1:9 )

Colour-field painting is not new, nor is the exploration of relationships between music and colour, nor even the collaboration between painter and musician. However each generation experiences afresh, and their response, while potentially informed by the work of those who went before, is uniquely their own revelation and outworking, even as it builds on our collective experience. 

This series of musical compositions and paintings began in 2005 with ....READ MORE